Tuesday, February 8, 2022

In a World Where You Can Be ANYTHING- Be Kind!

When did kindness become optional? The word kindness is defined as "the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Whereas, being kind is doing intentional, voluntary acts of kindness. Not only when it's easy to be kind, but when it's hard to be."

Yes, not only when its easy but when it is hard to be kind. A teacher, telling a child that their homework was wrong; a parent telling the child that they can't wear shorts to school in 32 degree temperature (unless you are a wrestler, then it's all good!) or a spouse, that the dress she picked out was too tight. Maybe a supervisor, having to lay off a staff person, due to financial constraints or provide discipline for a workplace error.

A knee-jerk reaction to each scenario can crushing, but in our me-first, I'm to busy to care world, the words are often reactionary. And not kind.

A good teacher will tell Jane or Johnny that they knew how hard they tried and offer some one-on-one assistance to ensure the assignment is completed. A bad teacher will dismiss the attempt as a failure to complete the proper work.

The parent or spouse can temper their words, explaining why another option is more suitable and the supervisor can be empathetic and constructive, while addressing the subordinate. Yes, it may be hard, but if you put yourself in the other's place, it is always possible to be friendly, generous, and considerate.

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