Sunday, October 30, 2011

This is not my logo, but it might as well be! If you know me, you know that I live in the Northeast, where we were hit with a freak snow-storm yesterday. 
 Luckily we were spared, any major damage, just a few branches fell. The power is out all over town and we may have a snow day tomorrow!

A snow day, because I have not cooked and cleaned enough! Every towel ever created has been washed by me at least once since Friday. With the picky choices, I made two different lunches, two dinners, soup and a coffee cake;  ran a child to a sleepover, in the snow/sleet, came back and threw in another load. Meanwhile, the husband was tired from... I'm not sure, from eating I guess and went to sleep. 
This morning, it began again. Laundry, cleaning, more laundry, making one dinner entree, and then running out to get eggs, because I used them all yesterday. Came back and the husband whines "I'm hungry, are you making lunch?" Yes, it was made yesterday. A bowl of chicken salad. But, I made him a sandwich, because that is what I do, right? Next trip in, he grabs a piece of the aforementioned coffee cake, which serves 16 normal people, but in our house, it will be gone by tonight. A few minutes later he comes in from the garage for the third time in 10 minutes, picks at the cake again and says "I'm tired." Yes, from the two pieces of cake you just had for dessert. So it's off to the couch, again.

I tried three times to read the paper, which I grabbed when I trudged out for the eggs, but one son came and joined me for his first piece of cake, and then the other sat and had a bowl of cereal. After trying to rescue a burning a jiffy pop, I left the paper on the table, and gave up. 
Until I return to the kitchen to make the meatloaf that the younger children requested. They didn't want the chicken I had already made. And by the way, there are chicken nuggets in the fridge. Those are for the older son, who won't eat either entree!

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