It seems to me that the role of the women has changed but not evolved. I work, cook, shop, carpool and help children and spouse with their "homework." June Cleaver was a stay-at-home mom, who managed to keep the house clean in pearls and high heels. Carol Brady had Alice to help her out; and in Father Knows Best, Jim Anderson was always home for dinner and ready to held Bud with his homework. There's no one here to helps me with mine.
No one says let me fold the towels and put them away mom, or "honey you had a hard day, I'll make dinner." Not even, "can I make you a sandwich or a cup of tea." The closest I get is a bowl of ice cream or a Fudgesicle when my youngest goes for his nightly dessert. With a new driver in the house, I have gotten a bit of relief on the carpool front... but not without the usual debate. On the weekends, I catch up on laundry, cleaning, and try to recharge my batteries. I admit, my kids help out on Sundays, with the vacuuming, dusting, mopping and toilets. That leaves the cleaning the closets, paying the bills, organizing the mail, cleaning the kitchen, tending to the cats, the aforementioned laundry and shopping to me. And the "extra" task of helping out with reports for kids and adults.
So what would I wish for? Since the self-cleaning house hasn't been invented and hiring someone else is out of the question, I'd wish for the other people who live in my house to carry their clothes down, without asking. Let them sweep up the crumbs and shake out the mats when they are dirty, and not only when I ask. Clear out the dishwasher because you see it is clean. I'd wish that people would write down when they used the last drop of milk, catsup, ice cream or cream cheese and that cramming on tests were eliminated. And I'd wish that I was only responsible for my own employment tasks.
But wait, the rules were, there had to be even a remote chance that these wishes could come true? The odds on my wishes? I have a better chance with the winning lottery ticket!
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