Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Terrorism Takes On Many Forms

I've sat here for almost an hour, trying to decide where to begin. What to say. This is unusual for me, but sometimes outside factors effect your outlook on life.

There was a terrorist attack on NYC yesterday. Yes, terrorist. People were terrorized by a lunatic. A monster who planned a mass attack on innocent people. Men traveling to work, a pregnant woman sitting nearby, older people, and children going to school.

The location was not midtown Manhattan. It was in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, a diverse community of approximately 78,000 residents with a median age of 35.

Ten people where shot, an 13 additional were hurt trying to escape. Yet, millions of others were victimized and the trauma will last weeks, months or maybe years. Commuters who are now scared to travel into NYC for work or pleasure.

Sadly, it's happened before. In NY, Boston, LA and countless other cities. Previously, people had no choice, but to continue to commute. But now it is different. Most professions can lend themselves to hybrid or remote jobs and retain their workforce. Unfortunately, too many chose not to.

When I heard the news, I reached out to a friend, who was recently FORCED to return to the office after two years of remote working. Rising early, returning late, undergoing constant COVID-19 Test Kits. He's tired, ornery, overworked and underappreciated. His quality of life has changed in the past month since he returned to the office.

Since he was at work, he asked me for details. Who was it, did they catch him, do they know why? I had no answers. As the day wore on, I sensed more fear, anger and frustration in his texts. Again, no answers, except me responding to text me when arrived home safely.

I'm sure his commute this morning was terrifying. And it didn't have to be. He should have been able to work from home, while the perpetrator remained on the loose; and until he felt safe going back on the train.

I've been fortunate in my career to never have to endure a commute like that. It was a choice I made, so I could remain available for family and one I still consider today.

To all who returned to subways, buses, cabs and corporate offices_ be safe my friends.


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