Thursday, April 7, 2022

Karma Chameleon


I pride myself in being a GLASS half-full person. Yet, I am pragmatic rather than emotional, both in my career and personal life. Is this an Oxymoron ?

Absolutely not. Negativity is toxic. It may fester below the surface, but when it bubbles over, it pollutes the environment.

Over the years, my approach has been challenged. I've been laid off, and accepted new positions, knowing they were dead-end. Yet, I vowed never to burn bridges, seek retribution, or show anger, resentment or bitterness. In both instances, these short-term jobs enabled me to move on with career-changing positions.

When things got particularly tough in my life, I reset my priorities; and purchased a ring inscribed with the phase "this too shall pass." It never leaves my hand.

Since I don't job-hop, my resume shows stability, and tenure. Obviously, that means there were times when optimism and sensibility were tested, but I relied on the knowledge that I was like a chameleon: I change my exterior to adapt to my surrounds, have "eyes in the back of my head" and hide my sharp tongue.

The Chameleon personality type can walk into a room, quickly pick up on the expectations of those around them and become the life of the party or a quiet, thoughtful participant — or whatever they need to be. Meanwhile, their private self remains Hidden.

So, when I saw today's Horoscope in the NyPost, I had to giggle. "The best way to deal with your negative mindset is to throw yourself into your work. The less time you spend worrying what might go wrong the more likely it is things will start going right. And remember, your outlook matters more than events."

That's because, I already know that the glass is half-full and
"this too shall pass."

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