No Two (Or Three In My Case) Children Are The Same
The internet is a blessing and a curse for parents who seek to get information on Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) and other disorders/disabilities. No two children are the same, so no two differently abled children are the same. Sometimes we project to our children that they can't do something because the book says they won't. Children have to experience some sense of failure/difficultly to see what they need to learn. At every Committee On Special Education (CSE) meeting I tell the large assembly of people (no coincidence that the first three words are a_s_s, LOL) that the way you teach, you are putting my square peg in a round hole. Do not expect him to adapt to you, you MUST adapt to him. But some of the symptoms are similar to ADD, Autism, and several other disorders. Don't expect your child will present all of these, and don't accept anything less from your child with CAPD than you would your other children. Write your own description of what CAPD is for YOUR child and use that to define what you need/want. Sorry if I am preaching, I just know that while it is frustrating, as I also say to the CSE "Your job is to educate my child, MY JOB IS TO PRODUCE A HAPPY, WELL-ADJUSTED ADULT!"
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