Friday, January 28, 2022

A Relection of Time


At a certain age, the loss of a singer/actor/athlete/author opens the floodgates of memories which were packed away for years. With the recent passing of Meatloaf my mind rushed back to the late 70ie, when I first heard "Bat Out of Hell" on FM radio. 
 This album (yes album) was popular when I was in high school; the theme was teenage love- and my younger sibling was not allowed to listen (of course she did it when parents weren't around.) To this day, these songs bring me back to a simpler time.

Working at a retail store, wrapping gifts and babysitting. Listening to local bands with friends on a Friday night. Being able to leave the doors unlocked and car on driveway. Two rings (or reverse charges calls) when you got home. The smell of a newspaper delivered to the driveway and Sunday NY Times and Daily News on Saturday night.

Sleeping in, Love's Baby Soft, cheap beer, Jordache Jeans, Cousin Brucie, Walter Cronkite and long talks with my parents about music, sports and life.

Preparing resumes and cover letters on a Smith-Corona manual typewriter to ads you see in the newspaper, white-out, interview suits, running to the post office for a 15 cent stamp and rotary phones.

Now, I'm the mom, and it's Nike sweats, Corona is a beer, Twitter and Apple Music. Email, job boards, Zoom and cells. The thrill of cutting off the plastic and playing an LP on a turntable with a new needle will never be experienced by my kids.

And the teen-defining music sung by Meat Loaf will not be matched by today's musicians. RIP
#fridaythoughts #love #school #sports #corona #interview #music #email #job #readyforwork #recruiters #callmetoday #writersoflinkedin #linkedin #executivedirector #executiveleadership #servantleadership #workingmom #rutgersuniversity #rutgers

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