Friday, March 18, 2022

Time is Limited, So Don't Waste It

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life." Apple founder Steve Jobs.
How ironic, since Jobs died at 56 years old. His success was the stuff that Legends are made of. His public image was deliberately crafted to ensure the focus was on his company and not him. He changed the way we do things through his vision; and left a mark with Apple in Business, iTunes/Apple and the vast selection of MacBooks, and iPhone 12s.
Still, he had a reclusive spirit, and was secretive and eccentric. His family history revealed a man who lived a life of tangled relationships, was estranged from his birth parents and who himself fathered a love child whom he at first rejected.
He left behind a wife and their three children, whom he rarely spoke of in public. Even as he was suffering from cancer, he didn't soften his stance, especially about his birth father; he was quoted as saying, "this might sound strange, though, but I am not prepared, even if either of us was on our deathbeds, to pick up the phone to call him."
I guess you can say he lived HIS life. Work came first and he was well-paid for his efforts. Yet time ran out without mending some fences.
Jobs was a Buddhist; perhaps he had some sense of comfort in the belief that death simply leads to rebirth and that a person's spirit remains close by and seeks out a new body and new life. He may not have had a fear of dying.
I was raised to believe that every moment of life is precious and of infinite value. The most precious moments are those with loved ones, and helping others and that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted and as a Motherless Daughter and @nymomto3boys, I do think about life, death and legacy.
Perhaps that's why I chose a life advancing Nonprofit Organizations, one where I could help others. I believe my GIFT of time, talent and my compassion are more valuable that any donation of money. I am also certain that I never want to live a life like Steve Jobs did. I'm happy with mine.


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