Monday, March 7, 2022

Today's Horoscope?

I'm not really sure why, but I begin my morning routine, by checking my horoscope and then I quickly forget what it says. I know they are one-size-fits-all and purely for entertainment purposes, but I do. I also read the folded papers in my fortune cookies.
There have been times where the daily message will match the occurrences of the day. Coincidence obviously.
I am an Aquarian. "Aquarius is the sign different from the rest of the zodiac and people born with their Sun in it feel special. This makes them eccentric and energetic in their fight for freedom, or at times shy and quiet, afraid to express their true personality. In both cases they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love to fight for idealistic causes. They are able to see people without prejudice and this makes them truly special. Although they can easily adapt to the energy that surrounds them, Aquarius representatives have a deep need to have some time alone and away from everything in order to restore power."

As a non-profit executive, this makes sense. Many historical and pop culture celebrities have also been born under the sign: Jackie Robinson, Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, and Ronald Reagan. Also Carole King, Neil Diamond, and Oprah Winfrey. However, so are my son and sister and while there are similarities between us, there are more differences.
So what is in store today? According to Yahoo, "you've slowed down, but you're still ready for some serious learning. Your big brain is always hungry for new information, and you should find that things start to get interesting soon."
The Newyork Post says: "You appear to be in one of your all-or-nothing moods at the moment and while it’s unlikely to do any harm today it could create problems for you later in the week. Try to be a bit more flexible. Bend a little so no one can break you."

The New York Daily News advises:

"be creative to stay ahead of competitors - or even an ambitious co-worker. No one has more new and inspiring ideas than you, Aquarius, so use your innate skill now, when it's needed the most. If you're #strategic and approach the right people, it will present you as an expert in your field. You have an abundance of experience to draw from. So much so that you probably have forgotten more than most people have learned."

So, as this week begins, I will continue to learn, make adjustments, and remain creative. I'll secretly make a wish that the #decision-makers will notice these attributes and make my Dreams (and previous horoscopes) come true!

And go Rutgers University. Proud of my #ScarletKnights

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