Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Facebook Etiquette

In the past few days I have gotten some seemingly unsavory or down-right awful images posted to my wall. These were disguised as jokes, or gotcha images. Sexy women clad in various football jerseys, or less. Dance pictures with a tag, "spot the error." Or almost naked obese women in lingerie. And the infamous cupcake picture.

Now, I'm not a prude, but my children, some of their friends and even my step mother are "friends" of mine. Why do people think it is funny. Why would a man send a picture of an almost naked women to female friends. Then, the kicker... what you post on Facebook is available for all the world to see. Even if you have it selected for just  friends to see, it's not. Bosses, potential employers and others can see what you post. And, guess what? My boss, husband, 10-year old son and 79 year-old father saw it too. Even though I didn't post it. 

So think again. Is it really funny to send me a picture of hot mama that you have no chance of ever meeting?

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